In the Selenium Python tutorial series, we’ll learn to handle alert and pop-up boxes on a web page. It is usually a standard practice for web applications to display alert messages for confirming a user action. An Alert is a pop-up window. It gets triggered due to some action performed by the user or automatically due to some system settings.
The purpose of alerts is to give some information to the user (it can be a warning also), take permission from the user, or take some input from the user. Click here to Go Back to the main Selenium Python tutorial.
Handle Alert & Pop-up Boxes in Selenium Python
We can broadly categorize the Alerts into the following three types.
i) Simple Alert
ii) A Confirmation Alert
iii) Prompt Alert
We will now discuss how to handle the above three types of alerts in detail.
Introduction – Handle Alert & Popup Boxes
Whenever an Alert gets triggered, and a pop-up appears on the web page. The control remains with the parent web page only. So the first task for the Selenium Webdriver is to switch the focus from the parent page to the Alert pop-up. It can be done using the following code snippet.
alert_obj = driver.switch_to.alert
After the control has moved to the Alert pop-up, we can do different actions on it using the recommended methods which are as follows.
- alert_obj.accept() – used to accept the Alert
- alert_obj.dismiss() – used to cancel the Alert
- alert.send_keys() – used to enter a value in the Alert text box.
- alert.text() – used to retrieve the message included in the Alert pop-up.
Handling a Simple Alert
A Simple Alert has a message on it and an ‘OK’ button. When it pops up, a user clicks on the ‘OK’ button to accept it.
Here is the HTML code that will generate a Simple Alert at the click of the ‘Create Alert’ button on the main page.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body bgcolor="#C0C0C0"> <h1> Simple Alert Demonstration</h1> <p> click the Below Button to create an Alert</p> <button onclick="alertFunction()" name ="alert"> Create Alert</button> <script> function alertFunction() { alert("Hi!, I am a Simple Alert. Please Click on the 'OK' Button."); } </script> </body> </html>
You need to copy the above HTML code and save it as “Simple_Alert.HTML.”
Following is the code snippet to handle Simple Alert.
from selenium import webdriver import time driver = webdriver.Firefox() driver.maximize_window() location = "file://<Specify Path to Simple_Alert.HTML>" driver.get(location) #Click on the "Alert" button to generate the Simple Alert button = driver.find_element_by_name('alert') #Switch the control to the Alert window obj = driver.switch_to.alert #Retrieve the message on the Alert window msg=obj.text print ("Alert shows following message: "+ msg ) time.sleep(2) #use the accept() method to accept the alert obj.accept() print(" Clicked on the OK Button in the Alert Window") driver.close
The above code simulates a Simple Alert and then switches the control to the Alert window. After that, it verifies the message in the Alert window and accepts it.
Handling a Confirmation Alert
It is similar to Simple Alert. Just that it has an extra ‘Cancel’ button to dismiss the Alert if required.
The following HTML code will generate a Confirmation Alert.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body bgcolor="#C0C0C0"> <h1> Confirmation Alert Demonstration</h1> <p> click the Below Button to create an Alert</p> <button onclick="alertFunction()" name ="alert"> Create Alert</button> <p id ="msg"> </p> <script> function alertFunction() { var txt; if (confirm("Hi!! I am Confirmation Alert.")) { txt = "You pressed OK!" } else { txt = "You pressed CANCEL!" } document.getElementById("msg").innerHTML = txt; } </script> </body> </html>
I have saved this file on my local desktop with the name ‘Confirmation_Alert.HTML.’
Here is the code to handle the Confirmation Alert.
from selenium import webdriver import time driver = webdriver.Firefox() driver.maximize_window() location = "file://<Specify Path to Confirmation_Alert.HTML>" driver.get(location) #Click on the "Alert" button to generate the Confirmation Alert button = driver.find_element_by_name('alert') #Switch the control to the Alert window obj = driver.switch_to.alert #Retrieve the message on the Alert window message=obj.text print ("Alert shows following message: "+ message ) time.sleep(2) #Section 1 #use the accept() method to accept the alert obj.accept() #get the text returned when OK Button is clicked. txt = driver.find_element_by_id('msg') print(txt.text) time.sleep(2) #refresh the webpage driver.refresh() # Section 2 # Re-generate the Confirmation Alert button = driver.find_element_by_name('alert') time.sleep(2) #Switch the control to the Alert window obj = driver.switch_to.alert # Dismiss the Alert using obj.dismiss() #get the text returned when Cancel Button is clicked. txt = driver.find_element_by_id('msg') print(txt.text) driver.close
Let’s now summarize the steps mentioned in the above code.
- First of all, save the above HTML code under the name ‘Confirmation_Alert.HTML’ in the machine.
- We have to specify the above path in the placeholder defined in the Webdriver code to handle the Confirmation alert.
- Now in Section 1 of the code, we click on the ‘OK’ button to accept the alert. After that, we printed the return message displayed on the screen.
- In Section 2 of the code, we open the Confirmation alert one more time. This time we click on the ‘Cancel’ button to dismiss the alert box. After that, we printed the return message displayed on the screen.
Handling a Prompt Alert
It is also similar to the first two alerts. The only difference is that Prompt allows us to enter some text through it.
Following is the HTML code that will generate a Prompt alert.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body bgcolor="#E6E6FA"> <h1> Employee Login</h1> <button onclick="myFunction()"name ="employeeLogin">Continue</button> <p id="msg"> </p> <script> function myFunction() { var login = prompt("Please re-enter your name", "xxxxxx"); if (login != null) { document.getElementById("msg").innerHTML = "Welcome " + login + "!! How can I help you?"; alert("You have logged in successfully !!") } } </script> </body> </html>
You need to save this file as ‘Prompt_Alert.HTML.’ It is simple to handle this alert too. After shifting the focus to alert, we can enter the text into it using the send_keys() method.
Here is the complete code for the same.
from selenium import webdriver import time driver = webdriver.Firefox() driver.maximize_window() location = "file://<Specify Path to Prompt_Alert.HTML>" driver.get(location) #Click on the "employeeLogin" button to generate the Prompt Alert button = driver.find_element_by_name('continue') #Switch the control to the Alert window obj = driver.switch_to.alert time.sleep(2) #Enter text into the Alert using send_keys() obj.send_keys('Meenakshi') time.sleep(2) #use the accept() method to accept the alert obj.accept() #Retrieve the message on the Alert window message=obj.text print ("Alert shows following message: "+ message ) time.sleep(2) obj.accept() #get the text returned when OK Button is clicked. txt = driver.find_element_by_id('msg') print(txt.text) driver.close
Let’s look at the code in detail.
- First of all, save the HTML code to create the Prompt Alert with the name ‘Prompt_Alert.HTML’ on your machine.
- You have to give the path of this file in the placeholder provided in the code. You must use a forward slash while specifying the URL of the web page. Otherwise, it may not work accurately.
For example, here I have to give the path of the file as.
location = "file://C:\Users/Automation-Dev/Desktop/Meenakshi/Selenium Python/Prompt_Alert.HTML
- After you move the control to the alert using <driver.switch_to.alert>, use the “send_keys()” method to enter the text in the alert window.
Quick Wrapup – Handle Alert & Popup Boxes
It is vital to understand how to handle alerts and popup boxes using Selenium Python. You can apply the above techniques to solve real-time use cases in your projects.
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